
Payment System Online Pharmacy in Indonesia

Apotik Tempo is an online pharmacy in Indonesia. Apotik Tempo first time founded by PT. Global Eramas in 2000 with Apotik2000 as the first name. In early, Apotik Tempo focus it main for pharmacy services bases E-Commerce, that can be accesed through Internet and can serve shipment to all Indonesia area. In its development, Apotik Tempo not only specialize itself in E-Commerce but it has been extended become Online Pharmacy that can serving all its member using Internet, Telephone, Fax or with E-Recipe.

For can buying in Apotek Tempo the first thing we must do is become a member first. To apply become Apotek Tempo’s member, the customer must click member button.and sign up for become Apotek Tempo member. After you finish sign up then you can buy the items in Apotek Tempo after you sign in.

The Step for purchasing in Apotek Tempo divided in three step. The first step is searching for the item that need. For do this step, we can search from the item category or item name. To search item that needs, we can search it from 7 product category. Obat bebas, Obat resep, Vitamin dan Suplemen, Mom & Kiddies, Toiletris, Alat Kesehatan dan Alat Fitness. For examples you want to find certain vitamin, please click Vitamin and Suplemen, then will be show vitamin products from many kinds type. If the customer want to search product more specifik, this site provide sub-kategori. If the customer still cannot find the item this site give search facility.

The next step is buying. If the customer already want to buy some item or want to know the detail, the customer just click the product name and it will bring the customer to the detail product page.After that, if the customer want to buy the item, they just fill the quantity of the item and click beli button. For notice not all of Apotek Tempo can be bought immediatly. There some item must be ordered first, because some of them not always available in the stock. Each times you click the beli button, the item that the customer choose will be added in shopping cart. The customer can see all the items that he / she want to buy in this section.

The last step is the payment. If the customer already finish the shipment, then the last thing to do is click the bayar button. After that the customer will be bring to the payment page. In this page the customer will be give two option payment method. If the customer select the first method, Cash, then the customer must go to the near apotek tempo and pay the shipping or the customer want his/her items delivered to his/her house and pay cash the shipping when the items arrive, the price will also added for the delivery services. The second payment method is Transfer, in this method the customer must transfer the shipping cost to Apotek Tempo account. Apotek Tempo provide their bank account. This pharmacy online provide their (Bank Central Asia)BCA account. After that the customer must input the reference transfer number to the box that already prepared for transfer method. After the customer already choose the payment method, then the customer must fill their address for delivery their shipping to the customer house, if they want the item delivered to their home. The customer also can choose special notes and write special request to the special request box. After that if the customer finish click bayar button for finished payment process then automatically Apotik Tempo Web will send the customer payment prove and the customer shipping to their email. After a few minutes the Apotik Tempo marketing will call the customer and confirm their payment.

By: Arief